Values-Based Investing
You can put your money to work for you, your family, and your world. Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) can earn competitive returns, and while helping to build a sustainable future and enhance our quality of life through shareholder activism.
SRI dates back to biblical times when Judaic law laid down directives to invest ethically. SRI is becoming more common and accessible to all investors—with socially screened portfolios growing from $639 billion in 1995 to more than $17 trillion of $51.4 trillion of professionally managed assets in the U.S. in 2020 (2020 Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends. USSIF). Most studies show that SRI-screened portfolios have about the same risk-adjusted returns as their un-screened counterparts.
Incorporating SRI into your planning is easy. We'll work with you to select investments that will provide you competitive returns as well as move your personal social or environmental agenda forward. You can focus on several important areas, including:
Environmental impact
Tobacco & alcohol production
Weapons contracting
International operations & human rights
Shareholder activism—a powerful, effective tool that affects corporate policies throughout the world. Socially responsible investing is a powerful tool for change.
We've developed significant expertise in this area and are ready to help you put your money to work.